(World Awareness Training in Evangelistic Responsibility)
June 23 – July 31, 2025
The WATER program is a six week summer missions opportunity. If you have been wanting to see and experience mission work first-hand with the missionary as your teacher, WATER will provide you with that opportunity.
This five-week apprenticeship program is designed to place young people on the mission field to work under conservative Anabaptist missions. You will receive training workshops, lectures on mission themes, documentaries, fellowship, and recreation for one week on the SMBI campus. Then you will be placed on the mission field of your interest to see and do what missionaries do. The five-week training will conclude with a day back at SMBI to share with each other and to receive further training and encouragement. Six study hours will be given to anyone successfully completing this program.
Reading for WATER includes:
- Operation World – Johnston
- Disciples Are Made Not Born – Henrichso
- The Hour That Changes the World – Eastman
- Know Before You Go – Miller
- Prepare Your Heart – Judge

Second Year WATER Program
This program is for alumni of WATER who have a desire for a broader exposure to the opportunities available with conservative Mennonite missions. It is designed for young people who are interested in missions, but are not yet ready for a longer VS commitment or for a long term training program.
- To broaden awareness of opportunities available with conservative Mennonite missions.
- To give intense hands-on-training in various evangelistic and practical mission methods (One of the emphases will be more direct and focused training in areas of need and interest in the student’s life.
- To develop deeper relationships with the trainee’s home church
Either a pastor or a mentor from the trainee’s home church will work with
Opportunities for Service
The trainee’s placement will be based on two factors. First, the need and the talents of the student would be considered. This would be based on the WATER staff’s experience with the student from a previous year and also from the student’s mentor. Secondly, the needs of the missions involved in WATER would be considered. For example, a mission could inform the WATER staff that they need a mature fellow to lead a one week Bible school in Grenada. The trainees will likely have shorter assignments in different locations, rather than spending the entire 4 ½ weeks in one location (though this would be decided on an individual basis). The locations and activities will be either those already listed in the WATER brochure, or others approved by the student’s mentor, the SMBI association, and the WATER staff. For example, the trainee could be sent to a weekend seminar for training, or be required to spend several days in personal fasting and prayer, or be sent to be apprenticed for two weeks in Turkey under a missionary from the trainee’s home church.
The cost would be variable based on the locations in which the trainee works. Approximate Cost – $1000. – $3800.