About SMBI


The purpose of Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute is threefold in nature and deals directly with spiritual growth and service.

  1. To provide the opportunity for students to do systematic study, grounded on a complete commitment to the Bible as God’s inerrant and infallible Word.
  2. To lead the student to an enthusiastic loyalty to Christ and His mission.
  3. To train Christians for intelligent and dedicated leadership in missions, church life, and family responsibilities.

All courses offered are designed to challenge the students to do their best in study and practical application so that the Gospel of Christ will be carried forward and the body of Christ edified.


Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute extends a welcome to you to participate in a systematic study of the Bible and subjects relevant to Christian service. Our desire is to see believers like yourself come to a practical and meaningful understanding of Scriptures for the work God has called them to do in our present world. The Institute can provide the atmosphere a person needs for concentration on the study of God’s Word and for the fulfillment of the command to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15).

The Institute strives to help its students use the Bible as a filter for every aspect of life. We make every decision on the basis of either the standards of the world or the standards of the God of the Universe. Unless we view the issues of life the way God views them, we will not be able to accomplish all that He would have us accomplish for the heavenly kingdom. Christian parents, missionaries, teachers, pastors, and Christian workers have a great responsibility to be a clear light in a dark world of sin. Unless we use the filter of God’s Word, there will be personal consequences and a muddling of our Christian testimony.


The Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute began its ministry in 1977 by offering one six-week term of study. Through the following years it has grown to now offer five six-week terms of study in Bible, Theology, Missions, Music, Language, History, and Practical Studies. The institute also offers a six-week summer W.A.T.E.R. (World Awareness Training in Evangelistic Responsibility) program and other enrichment programs. The enrollment at SMBI has remained small by design to create the greatest openness for life-changing interaction between students and faculty. Both single and married students are housed on campus or in housing nearby.


Inspiration of Scripture

We believe that the entire Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit; that it is inerrant in the original writings, authentic in its matter, authoritative in its counsels; that it is the final authority for faith and practice for all men of all ages and is the standard by which all men shall be judged.

God: His Existence and Nature

We believe in one God, who is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, infinitely perfect and eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe in God as Creator and Sustainer of all things; we accept the Genesis account of creation as authentic.

Fall of Man

We believe that man was created in the likeness and image of God and by disobedience brought depravity and death upon humanity; thus, he is under the power of Satan and unable to save himself.

Jesus Christ and Redemption

We believe in Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God, born of a Virgin: that He is the perfect Lamb of God, who died and shed His blood to make atonement for the sins of man and arose for our justification, that through repentance and faith we might be saved.

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit; that He convicts of sin, effects the new birth, gives guidance in life, empowers for service, and enables perseverance in faith and holiness.

The Institution of the Church

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, a brotherhood of the redeemed, a disciplined people, obedient to the Word of God; that Christ commissioned her to go into all the world to make disciples of all men and minister to human need.

Satan: His Person and Work

We believe that Satan is the personal enemy of God, that he appears as an angel of light to deceive men, and that he is the unseen force at work in men, promoting evil and creating perilous times as the age draws to a close.

New Testament Ordinances

We believe that the New Testament ordinances are for the Christian; that baptism be administered upon confession of faith; that communion be observed as a memorial of Christ’s death; that feet washing be observed literally by the saints; that the holy kiss be practiced as an expression of Christian love; that the Christian woman be veiled; that anointing of oil be administered to the sick for healing to those who call for it in faith; and that marriage be the union of one man and one woman for life with Christians marrying “only in the Lord.”

The Christian’s Relation to Society

We believe that the state is ordained of God to maintain order in society; that it is the Christian’s duty to honor and pray for those in authority; that Christ’s disciples are to refrain from carnal force and violence in human relations and that Christians are to show love to all men.

Return of Christ

We believe in the literal return of Christ to receive the righteous unto Himself and that He will judge the world in righteousness and bring to fulfillment the restitution of all things unto God.

The Final Consummation

We believe in a place of eternal punishment for the devil, his angels and the unrighteous, and that God has prepared a place for the righteous in His presence to enjoy His fullness and glory eternally.