SMBI Association

Sixteen brethren from the Keystone Fellowship, the Mid-Atlantic Mennonite Fellowship, the Southeastern Mennonite Conference, the Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowship, Midwest Fellowship, South-Atlantic Mennonite Conference, Cumberland Valley and some unaffiliated Mennonite churches compose the SMBI Association. The Association provides organizational leadership for the Institute. The sacrifices and commitments of these men have paved the way for innumerable blessings felt by the faculty, staff, and students throughout the years.

The Association members are:

SMBI Association 1

CHAIRMAN: Kevin & Katrina Hurst – Lebanon, PA

SMBI Association 2

VICE CHAIRMAN: Rene & Jennifer Clugston – McConnellsburg, PA

SMBI Association 3

SECRETARY: Lyle & Laura Musser – Denver, PA

SMBI Association 4

Elmer & Dorothy Glick – Slanesville, WV

SMBI Association 5

Gerald Sr. & Jeanelle Bicher – Bethel, PA

SMBI Association 6

Larry & Linda Bergey – Lansdale, PA

SMBI Association 7

Randy & Tricia Ehst – Quakertown, PA

Nathan & Mildred Good – South Boston, VA

SMBI Association 8

ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Wesley & Judy Groff – Bird-in-Hand, PA

SMBI Association 9

Larry & Shari Harnish – Oxford, PA

SMBI Association 10

Danny & Benita Hege – Olar, SC

Earl & Joyce Martin – Mohnton, PA

SMBI Association 12

David & Joanna Myers – Rohrersville, MD

Melvin & Anna Stoltzfus – Cochranville, PA

SMBI Association 13

Warren & Jane Zimmerman – Denver, PA