Course Schedule

Six-week terms at SMBI follow this daily schedule.  Listed here are the schedules for first through fifth terms, 2024-2025:

First Term

September 21 – October 23, 2024

TimeCourseInstructorDeptStudy Hours
7:00 Breakfast
7:30Developing the ServantLBPr3
9:20 Chapel
10:10 Choir
11:20*I, II, III John & JudeEYNT1.5
12:20 Lunch
1:15Spiritual LifeEYTh3
Peace & Simple LifeCSTh3
4:30Choir (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
*Meets one hour each day
3:15 – 5:10 Prayer Groups / Discipleship Groups– Wednesday
5:15 Supper

Second Term

November 4 – December 12, 2024

TimeCourseInstructorDeptStudy Hours
7:00 Breakfast
7:30Servanthood That Enriches (pre-requisite required)LBPr3
9:00 Chapel
9:45 Choir
10:45Discovering Our GodCSTh3
Major ProphetsEYOT3
12:20 Lunch
1:00Lives of Great ChristiansSHEv3
Biblical WomanhoodKKPr3
2:30*Principles of InterpretationEYPr1.5
4:40Choir (except Friday)
5:15 Supper

Third Term

January 6 – February 13, 2025

TimeCourseInstructorDeptStudy Hours
7:00 Breakfast
7:30Old Testament SurveyDYOT3
9:00 Chapel
9:45 Choir
10:45Christian OrdinancesCSTh3
12:20 Lunch
Spanish ISHLa3
Biblical ManhoodDWPr3
2:30*Local Church EvangelismEYEv1.5
**Methods of Bible StudyEYPr1.5
Christian Family IMYPr3
4:40Choir (except Friday)
5:15 Supper

Fourth Term

February 24 – April 4, 2025

TimeCourseInstructorDeptStudy Hours
7:00 Breakfast
7:30Public SpeakingSHPr3
Early Church HistoryLWHi3
9:00 Chapel
9:45 Choir
10:45Growth in ChristCSTh3
12:20 Lunch
1:00Spanish IISHLa3
*Class VoiceAHMu1.5
**Congregation/Choral ConductingAH
2:30Victorious Christian LivingCoSPr3
Principles of TeachingEYPr3
4:40 Choir (except Friday)
5:15 Supper

Fifth Term

April 14 – May 22, 2025

TimeCourseInstructorDeptStudy Hours
7:00 Breakfast
7:30Modern Church HistoryLWHi3
9:00 Chapel
9:45 Choir
10:45Christian MoralityCSPr3
Muslim EvangelismEYEv3
12:20 Lunch
1:00Music FundamentalsSHPr3
*Timothy / TitusLWNT1 ½
2:30Gal / Col / Phil / PhilemonEYNT3
4:40 Choir (except Friday)
5:15 Supper

* Class begins first day of term and alternates thereafter

** Class begins second day of term and alternates thereafter